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Top 5 Things To Do This Week


1. St Andrews Green Week Events (running from November 2-8)

“Green Week is an annual week of events celebrating all things sustainability, promoting informative events on Climate Change & Environment, and inspiring climate action. Green Week always consists of a variety of events and activities across Town and Gown that aim to create change in our communities!”  Notable events happening this week include the Complexities of Climate Coverage Panel on Tuesday November 3 and the St AndReuse Style Swap Shop on Wednesday November 4 and Friday November 6 for all you fashion lovers.

2. Presentations and Public Speaking Workshop, hosted by the 93% Club, Tuesday November 3

“Next up in our skills workshop series: a presentation and public speaking skills workshop, in collaboration with Teach First! We know it’s not always easy to talk in front of people. But being prepared and knowing what employers are looking for can help make it less daunting. This skills session pulls together Teach First’s expertise of training teachers for over 10 years. We will show you how to structure your presentations with top tips for delivery, so you can feel confident to take on public speaking wherever your degree takes you.” Register for the event via this link:

3. Life Drawing at Lower College Lawn, Wednesday November 4

Life Drawing in person is back, hosted by the Art Society! “Join us for Life Drawing in the Can-Do Marquee on Wednesday Evenings! We’re so glad to finally be able to run weekly life drawing again. As always, materials will be provided but you’re also encouraged to bring your own (to reduce sharing and touching).” There is limited capacity and tickets must be purchased through the FIXR link:

4. Performance for Students: Fleabag (15+) at the Byre Theatre, Saturday November 7

“Another chance to enjoy the hilarious, award-winning, one-woman show that inspired the BBC’s hit TV series, captured live on stage from London’s West End in 2019.”

5. Rocky Horror Picture Show Screening at St Salvators Quad, Saturday November 7

“Come do the time warp again at our Covid safe screening of The Rocky Horror Picture Show at the CanDo tent! Bring your friends for a freaky evening and also dressing up is greatly encouraged! Limited tickets so sign up via the link to guarantee a spot! This event is in conjunction with the Just So Society.” Purchase tickets via the link attached:


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