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Club Sandwich Tour – Stop One, The Saint

Steph Coulter

Overall Rating: 4/10

Date: Saturday 16th February 2019

Club Companion: Matty Clements

Price: £7

Source: Steph Coulter

The first stop is a dismal affair to say the least. I was very keen on trying the Saint. I know the food is good and at £7 their club is very affordable. However, upon delivery to the table I was appalled at the bread- it is served on thick bloomer with no middle slice (arguably the hallmark of the club sandwich). Then, things only got worse- there is no bacon. For me, that is enough to degrade this “club” sandwich to a mere chicken sandwich. Furthermore, the chef had decided to fry some egg in there as well. I am not ideologically predisposed against egg in a club sandwich, but it is a very difficult endeavour to be successful in. In this case, the egg in question was cold and unfulfilling. As for the assembly, chicken consistently fell out as the nature of the bread made it so difficult to eat. Not good at all.

In terms of ratios, there was certainly not enough mayo, something that would become a worrying theme throughout my journey. Despite being advertised as coming with vegetable (oh dear) crisps, they were fresh out, so, I was given a meagre handful of chips instead. In days of yore, club sannies were served with some form of slaw, a fact that must have escaped those at the Saint who decided to neglect this timeless tradition. Size was not an issue. I recall being full enough afterwards but not satisfied at all in terms of taste. Needless to say, upon leaving I was in something of an existential crisis- is this what counts as a decent club sandwich in these ends? Is it even worth continuing if this is what is getting served up? Alas, I decide to continue with my journey. It can only get better from here.


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