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Opening Ball, Reviewed

Jolie Lay

As always the Kate Kennedy Ball was a spectacular way to begin this year’s festivities. Whether you danced the night away with your friends or found someone new, this ball was completely unforgettable to the sober few. 

Entering the long-awaited night, you were greeted with class and sophistication in the form of bubbly and a gracious welcome from the evening’s coordinators. Stepping into the marquee you couldn’t help but feel the excitement and anticipation. As emotions were running high from the dreary and lonesome nights of COVID-19, students soon realized that cocktails were not the only thing mixing that night. As girls twirled and coattails waved, expectations were exceeded.

Although the line for drinks was very long, the company you made with the excited spectators was worth the wait. The event was spectacularly decorated and well-staffed with delicious cocktails, electronic music, and traditional bagpipes. Whether you danced within the marquee or outside everyone was feeling great. 

Source: Kate Kennedy

Coming from a year of socially distanced and regulated quarantine, all of St. Andrews awaited the return of balls. Of course, the Kate Kennedy Club ensured the safety of  St. Andrews students while planning this event by verifying everyone had been vaccinated before entering the ball and created an open space – outside – where masks would not be permitted. With tickets selling out and dresses being bought one could only wonder if the night was going to live up to their expectations.

However, as groups began to get ready, whether that be by alcohol or by bandaids for the inevitable blisters, and taxis made their stops around town, the fun and energetic night had only just begun. With the party ending at 2:00 in the morning, the night was filled with wild dance moves from “the worm” to handstands, creating lively laughs and the perfect Instagram post. Although some wished the night could continue, everyone understood that the town of St. Andrews needed to sleep. So, as the event was taken apart and the music had officially ended the only thing that remained were the memories. 

Source: Kate Kennedy

With the amazing outcomes from the Opening Ball, students must now patiently await the next great events of the Kate Kennedy Society. Therefore, I strongly encourage all of  St. Andrews to prepare themselves and to mark their calendars for the ultimate finale event of the year: The May Ball. This event has previously been held at Kinkell Byre with a VIP dinner to begin the night and live music from artists ranging from Lost Frequencies to Duke Dumont. Moreover, if you have any questions about the upcoming events featured by the Kate Kennedy society more information can be found on their Facebook and Instagram page.


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