Since my first year, the highlight of St Andrews night life has been BPM. Only the coolest, hippest, and most connected St Andreans frequent the BPM events, claiming the early bird tickets while passing the peasants waiting in the rain outside the Vic, slumming to score one at the door.
This event proved no different, with students eagerly lined up around the block to get into the coveted BPM event.

Source: Ryan Ashcroft
What set this BPM night apart from others was the true bangers that rung out all night long. From Trophies to some classic Drake, the whole room was going mad. It seemed this event in particular rallied a lively crowd, with people not only dancing but singing their hearts out.
It was the perfect combination: music everyone liked and knew, and amazing dance beats. Those who could dance tore it up , trying out some moves they definitely did not use in their ballet competitions. The room was filled with bouncing bodies and grinning students. The vibe was infectious!

Source: Ryan Ashcroft
While there are plenty more BPM events to come, the pulse behind BPM, Ahmed Shareefy will be graduating this spring. Look out for an article on BPM’s next steps coming in the following weeks. The Stand will do a full exposé on what Ahmed plans to do with BPM after graduation.
So do not worry, this is not the end. It is only the beginning.