The start of the semester is a busy yet exciting time with students having to become accustomed to new classes, catch up with friends and decide which events to attend ranging from balls, concerts to even fashion shows. However, one occasion to definitely not miss is the boxing club’s annual charity home show which will take place in Spring of 2020.
The show will be the biggest the club has put on to date and it is set to be a night full of non-stop action. It will be held at Kinkell Byre and include 10-15 bouts featuring fighters from the university boxing club, other universities and local amateurs from the Fife area.

Photograph by Megan Elle Catherine Woolley
The boxing club’s president Josh-Bernard Cooper is very optimistic about the prospect of this year’s bigger show saying, “This year we’re making the show bigger and better than ever! We’ve upgraded our venue to more than double last year’s capacity, having more fights, and having an afterparty with a live DJ. It’s truly amazing to see how far the boxing club has come in just a few years, and an honour to be doing this all for YoungMinds.”
The large venue Kinkell offers means there is room for 500 spectators to come along to enjoy the evening of boxing, fundraising and dancing with the addition of a live DJ set after the boxing action has concluded.

Photograph by Megan Elle Catherine Woolley
Club members are preparing thoroughly by following an intense weekly training programme leading up to the event. Multiple boxing sessions consisting of sparring, pad work and circuits serve to keep the fighters sharp while long beach runs, hill sprints and strength sessions ensure the athletes are in prime condition for their fights.
Last year saw the revival of the club’s charity home show after issues finding a venue had prevented it from going ahead for years. The show took place in the university’s Younger Hall and featured nine fights and an afterparty in the student union’s Club 601. All in all, the show was a great success, raising £2000 for charity and hence inspiring the decision to expand the event to a bigger venue and include more fights.

Photograph by Megan Elle Catherine Woolley
All proceeds made from the show in the Spring will once again go towards the charity YoungMinds who work across the UK to support young people overcome mental health issues. Research conducted by the NHS has shown one-in-eight young people between the ages of 5 and 19 have a diagnosable mental health condition. YoungMinds are doing their best to provide help to these young people who are suffering as well as their parents through a multitude of ways including online advice, a helpline and introducing mental health professionals into schools. More information about YoungMinds and the commendable work they are doing can be found at

Photograph by YoungMinds
After being planned to take place this coming December, issues with arranging referees and officials for the original date means the show will now take place during sometime during the Spring. Despite this setback, the show still looks set to be a thoroughly entertaining evening and will be a great way to kick off the second semester. Tickets are available on Fixr for a very reasonable price of £25 which includes access to all of the fights and the afterparty as well as bus transport to and from the venue. For further information on the home show or the boxing club in general be sure to visit the University of St Andrews Boxing Club’s Facebook page.
Tickets can be purchased at:
The home show’s Facebook event: