Does afternoon tea, baking delicious treats, and passionate discussions about Jane Austen sound interesting to you? Then you should really check out St. Andrews High Society, a brand-new society that has just been founded this semester. I was immediately excited to learn more about this society and what it offers, but beyond that, I wanted to see how the committee members were going to introduce a society and facilitate events without having the luxury of everyone in one place.

Source: pexels
Participating in clubs has been challenging this academic year, especially clubs that have recently begun. However, St. Andrews High Society has the benefit of having many interested people online who are anxious to partake in fun activities with others. While the events are obviously tailored to fit the theme of the club, I believe there is something for everyone as they have a range of events even in their first few weeks of existing.
I had the opportunity to attend their first event, a movie-watching of Pride and Prejudice, and an optional discussion after. As this is one of my favorite films, I was very excited to watch with other fans of Jane Austen. I was curious about how the society was going to go about making sure everyone watched it together, but the transition was very smooth. With the number of people going, they split us all into groups and began watching at the same time. We could comment on the side and it had the lovely effect of watching a movie with others without any trouble. I loved being able to see other people’s thoughts on some of my favorite scenes throughout the film.

Source: pexels
Once the film was over, everyone gathered in the discussion portion of the meeting to discuss all things Jane Austen. All of the committee members were there and very passionate and excited to have the opportunity to discuss a shared interest between so many people. As a first event, it was very successful in letting people know information about the society while also partaking in a fun activity. I’m very interested to see where this society will go in the future and what other plans they have to make this dreary semester into one thoroughly romantic.