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Kashika Malhotra
Apr 23, 2021
Hands Off My Hijab! France Passes Separatist Bill
On the 30th of March 2021, the French Senate voted to prohibit women under the age of 18 from publicly wearing any religious clothing...

Kashika Malhotra
Nov 12, 2020
Central Sexism Sucks
It’s reality that some things in popular culture are straight-up offensive and insulting. In theory, television is supposed to offer a...

Kashika Malhotra
Oct 12, 2020
Dalit Lives Matter. Can We Please Stand Against Violence and Oppression?
In India we worship the female gods, Mata Saraswati, Maa Durga and Goddess Kali, yet approximately 87 rape cases were reported each day...

Kashika Malhotra
Oct 3, 2020
Fashion Labels Cross-Pollinate
Fashion labels generally take every measure possible to distinguish themselves from other labels, they launch iconic campaigns, try to...
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